Pertagas expects Gresik-Semarang gas pipeline completed in Q1 2016

PT Pertamina Gas is accelerating the construction of the 267-kilometers of gas pipeline linking Gresik town in East Java and Semarang in Central Java, known as Gresem pipeline. The gas pipeline will help connect gas pipeline across the Java Island.

President Director of PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) Hendra Jaya said since the delivery of pipelines to stockyard Alas Tuo station in Semarang on May 22, 2015, which is marking the construction of the pipeline, the progress of the pipe installation has gone well.

He said the project is now considered 53 percent complete. “We are targeting to complete the project in the first quarter 2016,” Hendra Jaya said.

The gas pipeline will distribute gas to meet the needs of gas power plants and industries in the East and Central Java area. The gas pipeline with 28 inches diameter is designed to transport 500 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of gas that will pass through seven cities/regencies, namely Gresik, Lamongan, Bojonegoro, Blora, Grobogan, Demak and Semarang.

Hendra Jaya said the Gresem pipeline will get gas supply from Kangean and Husky projects in offshore East java in 2016-2018 at volume of 30 MMSCFD. The additional gas supply will come from Jambaran-Tiung Biru field and Cendana field in Cepu Block at volume of 100 MMSCFD.

In addition to developing Gresem pipeline, Pertagas is also developing gas pipeline network in East Java which links Porong and Grati town as well as Cirebon-Semarang pipeline (Cisem). The Porong-Grati (Pasuruan) gas pipeline has a length of 56 km and uses 18 inches of pipeline with maximum capacity of 120 MMSCFD. The project is now considered 60 percent complete.

The 255-km Cirebon-Semarang pipeline will be built in cooperation with PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekin) as the winner of the tender held last year. Once these projects are completed, East Java and West Java will be connected with gas pipeline.

The development of gas pipeline is part of the efforts by the company to support the government’s drive to increase gas use in the nation’s energy mixed.

The Gresen project is part of the grand master plan for national natural gas distribution and network (RITJFGBN) for period of 2005 – 2025. Pertamina as winner for tender of natural gas transmission segments of Gresik-Semarang appointed PT Pertamina Gas to develop the project. the groundbreaking of the project was held on Oct. 11, 2014 by former Coordinating minister of Economic Chairul Tanjung. (*)